Upon receipt of notification from the electrician under regulation 33 (1) (c), the owner may engage an inspector to inspect the electrical work or the modification.
Upon acceptance of the engagement referred to in paragraph (1), the inspector shall cause an inspection to be made in accordance with regulation 37.
The inspector shall input the particulars of the inspection into the automated system, including –
the full address and Global Positioning Satellite coordinates of the premises; the name of the owner; a full description of the electrical work or modification; the type of premises whether residential, commercial, industrial or other; the name and registration number of the electrician who undertook the electrical work or modification, or who supervised the electrical work or modification of a technical electrical assistant; the name and registration number of the technical electrical assistant who assisted in the electrical work, when applicable; and where available, the civic address, valuation number, volume number and folio number of the premises.
2.Energizing Premises
A supply licensee shall not connect an electrical work or modification unless that electrical work or modification is inspected by an inspector, in accordance with these Regulations.
Where a Single Buyer or supply licensee determines that the electrical work or modification does not comply with the Specification, the supply licensee shall - decline to either supply electricity to the premises until the electrical work or modification complies with the Specification; and within twenty-four hours after the determination, notify in writing, the Regulator and the owner detailing and attaching evidence of the non-compliance.